
Diamond V from on January 28th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 180
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Scareclaw is honestly solid rogue tier and I can see it being tier 3 when we get twinsaw (skill drain link monsters)

Can play through floodgates like skill drain pretty well because the field spell and dracoback can deal with it and they are both searchable

I prefer to run adventure engine because all of the in-archetype cards are one card starters that don't use the normal summon, but pure is still viable (just drop the engine to add 1 straddle, 1 parallel, whatever go 2nd board breakers you want, or more hand traps)

If I'm low on resources and open with gryphon or illegal, i will ss them to use for link material if I have no ignition for the engine

Reichart= 1card Tri-heart or baronne (go baronne if scared of nib)

1 scareclaw name= Tri-heart

Rite/Enchantress+any scareclaw name= Tri-Heart, 2 names, field spell, token, and gryphon

2 scareclaw names=Tri-Heart with trap

2 scareclaw names + arrival = Tri-Heart, token, Gryphon, draw 1, Trap, and 2 scareclaw names (monster effect immune psuedo-Bagooska, 2 omni-negate, and 3 cards in hand)

1 scareclaw name+Parallel eXceed= Tri-Heart Bagooska

1 scareclaw name + Parallel eXceed + rite/enchantress = Tri-heart, token, Gryphon, Masquerena

Let me know if you want a budget version or replays

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