
Diamond V from on January 14th, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a midrange version of a Crusadia deck, which aims to go first. The goal is to survive turn 1 and stop any meaningful combos of the opponent and to end the game afterwards on turn 3. The usual end board going first consists of a Crusadia Equimax with a set Crusadia Krawler and a Crusadia monster, which was added back from GY, in hand. With extenders an I:P or a Baronne or the Adventure Token engine can be added to the end board. The Adventure Token Engine is somewhat import to the deck, because it allows to play through any interruption on a Normal Summon going second and becomes Interruption or 2 Monsters on the field to combo going first. The last of the three points is important if Magius gets negated.

The probability to draw a Crusadia + any extender is about 86%.

Sample Combo:


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Player id: 451-451-653

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