
Diamond V from on February 19th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 510
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Mathmech is mostly a one card combo deck. If you have resources, I suggest put 3 circular and replace Magma in extra deck with a second copy of Alembertian(im poor)

Here I will provide a single card combo example when going first

If you have circular in hand, you can open game like this:

  1. circular sends sigma to graveyard special summon itself, then special summon sigma from grave, add superfactorial trap
  2. xyz into Alembertian, detach both material and add diameter to hand
  3. normal summon diameter and reborn any mathmech
  4. use diameter and the other mathmech to link summon link disciple in extra monster zone and co link link Devotee
  5. Alembertian tribute devotee, special summon any mathmech and 2 tokens
  6. token+link disciple into wicckid, one token into linguriboh, and the rest two card into I:P Masquerena, set superfactorial
  7. Upon wicckid effect, banish one card (i usually banish alembertian and add diameter for third turn play (sigma if u still have diameter in hand)

The ideal endboard is at least wicckid+Masquerena and set superfactorial.

On the second turn, you can either masquerena into Apollousa or accesscode talker. When using superfactorial, remember to use diameter as one of the material. It will make your summon has 1 omni negate. Generally u want to superfactorial into Laplacian to destory cards on field or in hand.

If going second, try your best to go for

  • Accesscode talker-update jammer otk
  • Fianl sigma otk. When summoning final sigma for otk, you have to use sigma, which is the only tuner card, and multipication, which when send to graveyard will make your final sigma in extra monster double atk. For 8000 lp, you need to atk a monster that has less than or equal to 2000 atk.

Try to understand the cards and your combo will be more flexiable and harder to be disrupted.

Glhf :)

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