
Diamond V from on December 8th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard subterror control. Switched the floodgates to better counter current meta of branded/swordsoul/floo, adjust them as needed.

Shadow Mirror turns off branded, and is also generally good, shuts off DPE, but sometimes dead in hand. Grave of the Super Ancient absolutely ruins branded, also hits swordsoul but beware doesn't touch link decks, can't stop Zeus. TCBOO turns off floo and swordsoul, doesn't stop branded (lubellion is dragon, mirrorjade is a wyrm), sometimes coincidentally beats decks like marincess and salamgreat Imperial Iron Wall kind of slows down floo, also turns off a lot of generically good effects like Mirrorjade, Called By, Branded in Red.

I dropped some pieces for more draw power. You can hit dead hands of all floods or you have all subterror and just need a flood, I found it necessary.

If you can flip guru on T1, look for Fiendess if you have good floods to protect backrow. Save it for feather duster or lightning storm. If you have little backrow, grab final battle to keep guru alive.

You barely have to try to make this deck work, most times you flip a floodgate and they surrender. Also remember the 4th mode of final battle will make Fiendess effect go through called by.

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