Crystal Beast Tri-Brigade

Diamond V from on August 12th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

small world summary : hand traps search starters , starters search handtraps , anything that can reveal kitt in deck can access pegasus,fraktall,ash, maxx c . *thorough blade is there as it allows rainbow dark dragon to access pegasus ,kerass , alpha, maxx c, or veiler when revealed from deck *rainbow dark w small world can search ash blossom or thoroughblade when revealing veiler from deck

searching ash when you feel a maxx c delay is a common play I made when I brick on rainbow dark

Fraktall + pegasus= Silver + ddl + xyz of choice + revolt (using bearbrumm discard) or appo + revolt (without using discard)

deck summary: crystal beast stuff setup tri stuff well as long as you have a tri name in hand , crystal stuff lead 1st to bait out hand traps or tri can depending on the situation.

grinding to D1 and will post replays there

*duelist id: 096-010-415

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