
Diamond V from on April 15th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 510
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Tindangle Ishizu Tearlament Shaddoll

Well I did it. T.I.T.S to diamond. This deck is hilarious, crazy and so much fun. Is it as good as Ishtear? Of course not lol. Is it consistent? There are 18 one-ofs.

When it goes off though, it goes crazy. You frequently mill 50 cards if you resolve grass to start a turn and then you just have more options than a normal IshTear deck. Deluany setting 3, A/D changer on Protector and you're gonna go somewhere between plus five and plus ten.

You actually don't struggle much with Maxx C but theres plenty of tech space to move things around if you're worried. Bagooska is very accessible.

The Shaddoll stuff is great. Dropping Winda on their turn is a game changer and UG is a game closer (IP can be played over Accesscode). Jhrelth continues to be the best card of all time (and no I won't be taking any questions or comments about this objectively correct opinion).

The only 2 things that really mess you up are the shifter decks (you can try Phoenix over UG I found it middling), and bricks. You can't really avoid hands like Hollow - Snow - 2x A/D and a trap card. Thankfully GK trap makes playing on your opponents turn super easy allowing you access to both Kelbek and essentially acting as another Auto Win card against tear.

I assume theres gonna be a lot of questions so Ill be around in the comments for a few days as well as in the Tindangle channel of the discord.

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