
Diamond V from on April 19th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos


This variant of Tearlaments includes untargetable, indestructable, and unaffected Boss monsters! Even though we're in a Tear 0 meta, I'll still continue to play Darklords with the help of our new mermaid friends 🧜‍♀️🙏

Gameplay 🎮

Darklords make use of the graveyard as well, so depending on what you mill you'll have some non-targeting effects! The First Darklord makes all your fairies untargetable, but can also special summon them from the hand or grave - meaning that it also includes Diviner and the Ishizus for additional plays and/or to summon extra deck monsters. With the ability of Diviner to change its level, this can turn into Baronne or even PEP as shown in the showcase video.

Darklord Amdusc plays a big role for the darklord side of the deck, being able to discard itself and another darklord card to grab any darklord in the graveyard - including the card you discarded with it just to get amdusc in the grave! The idea is to grab either Banishment or Contact so that you can revive them to make use of the cards that are milled.

Psychic End Punisher 💥

Insane Boss monster that gets powered up with the help of the Darklord's -1000LP effects! Here's a few ways to summon it

  • Diviner send Amdusc + Havnis
  • Diviner + Kaleido-Heart
  • Diviner send any lv4 + Kitkallos
  • Diviner + Lv8 + Millenium-Eyes Restrict (or something your opponent Dragostapelia'd 💀)
  • Using Darklord enchantment to non-target steal an opponent's monster for material


  • Master Duel ID: 086-146-218

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Tearlament Darklords video showcase