
Diamond V from on April 27th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Name of the game is to go first and hope to draw a single copy of Inspector Boarder/ Non Fusion Area/ or skill drain.

So far I have a positive winrate against Ishizu Tear/ Branded Despia. And a negative winrate against Floowandereeze.

Cards I may take out are the torrential Trubites, lightning storm, harpies fether duster. Cards I may add in are 3 copys of quaking mirror force.

This deck has great potential 2 reach diamond one, I just don't want 2 grind out the games to do so. Went on an 11 game winstreak in plat and am only playing 2 do dailys.

If you have any questions feel free 2 ask, I feel this is the best version of eldlich in the current meta, lava golem/ sphere mode are not good right now. Floodgates like There can be only one and gozen match do not do enough to warrent adding them in, tears can easily outgrind/ outvalue you in the single monster game. You can make a case for shadow-imprisoning mirror, but Lord of Heavenly protects your backrow, is a free 3k beater which is needed with all the banishing shenanigans going on right now, and helps you stay in game with its effect 2 set pot of extrav.

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