8-Axis Blind Second

Diamond I from on November 16th, 2022
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First just a disclaimer: if you're new to 8-axis I'd definitely reccomend building one of our normal variants mentioned in the guide (Sekkas Light, Trade In, Super Poly, etc.) Getting to D1 with the Sordsoul variant was just a fun challenge thing I wanted to do. That being said, I've done a lot of revision to this list from playing it and I think this is as consistent for balancing the Swordsoul stuff with the blind second stuff as I can get. This list is the exact one I used the entire time in Diamond.

I always chose to go second when winning the coin flip just like regular 8-Axis. My strategy is to break boards with Kaijus, Lightning Storm, Dinowrestler etc. And then bait negates with things like alpha. Once I have some breathing room I go for the Swordsoul plays, (summon Mo Ye make Chixiao, add Longyuan etc.) And try to otk from there. If you already have multiple Swordsoul cards in hand you can make Chaos Ruler instead to add a Danger and try to mill an Orochi. Protos was the most recent add, he's surprisingly good going second. Chixiao, Baronne, and Protos after dealing 1200 with Longyuan is lethal, Protos is also a board breaker and won me several games.

You can do fun stuff like mill a Swordsoul card with Zombie Vampire and normal summon Taia and make a token that way. Or discard Iris with Trade-In and make a token with Taia. In my experience it's best to play this deck as an 8-Axis deck with a Swordsoul engine instead of the other way around.

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