
Diamond I from on May 13th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This season's climbing was wild, definitely felt the struggle in Platinum way more than climbing on Diamond.

So I've been using some new tools and I've had a lot of fun with them. Lots of one ofs but well worth it.

Some cards I'd like to discuss:

  • Cyber-Stein is great to have in the GY to summon with Elf but it also helps if you bricked. Either summoning a Tearlament or getting Exterio out, CS is an amazing card.

  • Orange light even if it is at one helps a lot, I believe is worth it even though you may get it dumped before you could use it.

  • This is my first time using Exchange of the Spirit + Gravekeepers Trap and I have to say it really pumps up the game for Ishizu cards. Your opponent has to deal with it quickly on top of Tearlaments, which puts pressure on them and makes 'em use resources. Great choice which I highly passed right under the last season.

For the extra deck the cards I rarely used were Charmer Earth and Water, even though I could've gone for a Reinoheart or a shuffler, their usage was outclassed by Dharc by far.

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ID: 857-438-800