
Diamond I from on May 5th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Most important points summarized:

  • this deck sucks
  • this format sucks
  • do not play MD right now
  • I would run more Raigeki/Dark Hole if I had them. You could replace the 1 Jack with another such monster-wipe card (2 Vortex in 2023, anyone?) - or even Duster
  • I miss Drytron
  • Evenly sucks since it does not deal with Tear anymore. This season, they run Stein and get to Exterio, so why bother playing Evenly? Evenly does not beat Exosister at all, so why play Evenly? For the one stun deck you face every 20 duels or so? For the Floo mirror?
  • I want to touch Grass (maybe also the card)
  • the Extra Deck barely matters, but it comes up on rare occasions. Just think about niche scenarios you might find yourself in: Codebreaker is there to beat over Boarder/Bagooska etc.
  • people play Ash again, so that makes this ****** deck even worse
  • Maxx "C" is not even that good vs Tear. They will often just summon once (Kitkallos) and still have a great af board vs you, because Sulliek/Cryme is strong. Better open Advent, a board wipe or Fissure. Maxx "C", however, is good vs Exosister, because it gives you more ways to draw into a boardbreaker - or it makes them not pass on Magnifica, which is nice.
  • I ended up running 1 Crow. The question is whether 0 would have been better. It is neat vs those lost souls on Branded, it can be alright in the middle game vs Tear. It does not stop their turns turn 1. 2-3 copies is definitely not it in this list. I did not really do it, but maybe I should have just used Crow on Kitkallos and not their first name when opening Crow going second?
  • I was not a fan of Book of Eclipse/Moon. Yes, they can help vs Sulliek (or not matter at all due to them making Exterio, just like with the nukes), but they are worse vs Exosister, Stun, Spright...
  • my goal was not to make a deck that wins most games, it was just to get to D1. So I was content with winning just enough games. As long as I do consistently enough i would climb.
  • small tip: always chain Maxx "C" to a Fissure etc. during their turn. They could play Exosister. If they do not because they are on Floo, your Maxx C would be mostly worthless anyway.
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will upload 2-3 duels of me playing Floowandereeze on my YT channel soon