
Diamond I from on May 30th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Go 1st is prefered.

My plan A for this deck is summoning Halqi into Auroradon and continue its combos until I have Savage and Baronne on the field.

Should plan A get interupted, I hope I can still summon blue-eyes, so I can accel synchro into Baronne next turn.

There are also possibilites when I can trigger Maiden's effect of summoning blue-eyes through Sage / Field Spell, which allows me to summon R8 monsters / level 9 blue-eyes synchro.

I also include many handtraps, Lightning Storm, and Tenyi Vishuda to help me go 2nd. Tenyi is very good for this Blue-Eyes Maiden Combo as it can help you out opponent's BDF/floodgates, while it helps summoning Halqi if needed.

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