Runick Spright

Diamond I from on March 7th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the perfect 40 card Runick Spright list, got D1 with it, having 75% W/R 61 Wins - 21 Losses (82 Total Games)!

16 Runick cards are more than fine, after testing a lot, i can surely state, that you don't need to add to your deck bad cards like 'Golden Droplet' or more ratios of 'Smiting Storm'. The consistency is also totally fine. Jet on 2 is the perfect ratio, after your first turn you draw so much with fountain, which makes 3 Jets a dead draw.

Sphere and Golem are a must in the current meta. Having a massive board wipe is more important, than trying to rely on more Hand Traps. Sphere is the most broken card at the moment and a lot of people don't realize it, it's insane in Spright Mirrods, good versus Swordsoul when they end on 2 monsters + protos, good versus Punk decks and Mathmech when end on Heatsoul + Transcode Talker and Superfactorial into Laplacian.

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I have plenty of Runick Spright Replays, additionally you can also see the Sphere of Ra shine! Drop a follow for spicy replays! My ID: 509-764-129