
Diamond I from on March 20th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 390
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Recycler 1 card combo gets you Scythe DPE + Crescendo. I can anotate the combo in the comments if anyone is curious.

Use jet synchron and orcust brass bombard to fix bricky hands as the deck runs a lot of garnets.

Deck can struggle going 2nd but you have a lot of handtraps and board breakers for that purpose, and if you can get into your combo line then both scrap wyvern and lib break boards while comboing at the same time which is very handy.

DPE and the orcust engine offer a ton of recursion for grindy games if your opponent can still play after you scythe lock them.

Overall deck is rogue, but if you like powerful 1 card combos and don't mind playing some garnets to do so, then this is a good deck to try.

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