
Diamond I from on March 24th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Mostly standard Mathmech list. Typical endboard is Wicckid + I:P Masquerena + Linguriboh with Superfactorial set to make Laplacian with a Diameter negate and a Diameter in hand for follow-up. Small World is arguably the second best card in the deck.

I like Multiplication as a one-of for an easy route to Geomathmech Final Sigma going second, a lot of people don't account for it. Nice against Spright boards. If you don't like it, you can easily cut Multiplication for another extender or another Crossout target like Nibiru, and cut Final Sigma for Heatsoul or Underworld Goddess.

Not a fan of the Exceed package, I'd rather run more going second cards like Droplet.

Small World Bridges:

Link Infra-Flier -> Veiler -> Diameter/Circular

Veiler -> Link Infra-Flier -> Any Mathmech

Maxx "C" -> Link Infra-Flier -> Any Mathmech

Ash Blossom -> Veiler -> Diameter/Ciruclar

Any Mathmech -> Link Infra-Flier -> Diameter/Circular

If you're feeling particularly cheeky and opened well enough otherwise, you can also go:

Veiler -> Link Infra-Flier -> Maxx "C"

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ID: 670-626-412

2 Replays from Ladder, 1 Replay from Duelist Cup. Same deck.

Duel 1: 3/19 - Going second against Branded Despia. Major misplay Turn 4, apologies.

Duel 2: 3/22 - Going first against Live Twin Spright.

Duel 3: 3/23 - Going first against Branded Despia pile.

No saved replays for going second against Spright, didn't think about it. Apologies.