Diamond I from on March 20th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my 0 Bricks/11 hand trap heros. So to begin why 0 bricks? Because even though these next cards are good, have been staples in heros for a while, if drawn in opening hand, they are horrible bricks. 1. Dark Angel. 2. Honest. 3. Harpies FD.

The next card isn't a brick. In the past I was a HUGE supporter of this card. The cost is just too much in this meta. Forbidden droplets.

Why hand trap heros? 11 hand traps. 3 Ash and Imperm. 2 Maxx c and Effext Vieler. 1 Ghost Belle. The only flex spot I Belle for 3rd maxx c. But I love belle stops so much. Stops their called by the grave on your DPE.

This a beat them at their own game deck. With 80% of ladder being Spright, finishing 1st turn on DPE, Plasma and Dlaw its GG. Any 2 of those 3 usually wins too. Going 2nd you hand trap them to death. Oh and don't you dare think about removing cross keeper. He's a God card at 1 and in your opening hand.

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