
Diamond I from on February 11th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I don't play maxx c because mine always get negated, so i have chosen droplet for going second.

I play 1 Lady debug for direct access to micro coder when i need it.

Gozen match destroys mathmec, swordsoul, skystriker, even despia sometimes, almost every deck except few things. It is clearly the best card of the deck.

One TTT and one Desire is like 2 desires but without the risk of drawing another copy.

Cynet crosswipe is searchable with micro coder so its not bad at all, but you can replace it with cosmic cyclone or harpie's feather duster.

I don't play bagooska in the extra deck because my goal is to set gozen match and win only with fire monsters. I also removed falco because having it in starting hand is too weak and its mostly used for xyz 4 but i don't play them in this version.

Meer is just a tech card, if you draw it with Heatsoul you instantly summon it, and extend your combo, but you can replace it.

Pyro phoenix is to close games when gozen match is on the field, it is easy to make using heatsoul + 1 monster

Last thing is that i play 2 will of the salamangreat because it allows you to keep playing if you start with foxy and your opponent negates balelynx. the card is also very powerful in grind games.


Only play this list if you never resolve your maxx c !

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ID : 684-439-964 Showcasing a full combo going first against eldlich in Diamond 1