
Diamond I from on February 16th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Heatsoul is the Plan A for the deck. The basic combo is:

  1. Circular send Sigma
  2. Revive Sigma, trigger Circular to add Superfactorial
  3. Xyz Summon Alembertian and add Diameter
  4. NS Diameter, effect to revive any mathmech
  5. Link Summon Cyberse Wicckid using Diameter and revived mathmech
  6. Alembertian tribute itself to trigger Wicckid, Wicckid search Diameter. This step is important because it puts Alemb in grave to banish. Triggering Wicckid anywhere else forces you to banish your Superfactorial targets
  7. Link Summon Heatsoul using Wicckid & revived mathmech.

For 1 card you get your combo and as your opponent interacts with you, you can always pivot to Splash Mage or input your own extender to make Heatsoul.

Out of 99 Duels, I dueled Spright (all variants lumped together) 28 times. This is amazing since the deck has only been out for two days - Mathmech was the 2nd most played matchup at 13 games. I lost to Spright 11 times and beat the deck 17 times which roughly translates to a 60% winrate.

The handtrap choices have Spright in mind but I also wanted to ensure my Maxx C goes through as much as possible between Belle and Gamma. During my climb, Gamma was able to take advantage of people who would Maxx on my Small World or Circular. Spright players also shotgun Elf at the first opportunity going 2nd, which makes Gamma one of the most impactful handtraps vs Spright - besides Maxx C. Handtraps are not very efficient vs Spright but we take what we can get. The matchup is very interactive going 2nd, check out the replays!

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Master Duel ID: 122-966-180

1st Replay: Vs Exosister (Name with 3 characters)

2nd Replay:Vs Spright (Name with 9 characters)

3rd Replay: Vs Spright (====)

4th Replay: Vs Spright (RUOK)

5th Replay: Vs Spright (***)