
Diamond I from on August 10th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 510
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Pure Zoodiac is a handtrap-based control deck that likes to go second and can play off of one card combos. I really like the deck for this reason as it makes it really reliable, as it's not only blind second, so win or lose the coin toss it doesn't matter, but I also can use all my cards, discard with droplet, and just the normal summon of a single thoroughblade can spell the end of the duel for my opponent.

It's a deck that punishes oppressive boards with its two main bosses - one which is an unaffected tower, and the other which just board wipes 2-3 (even potentially 4) times. I like the nature of this deck, being mostly reliant on skill in both deck building and gameplay, rather than luck, coin toss, draw probability, etc. Which are not in your control, and can play through just anything

This version of the deck is optimised to deal with what you'd expect to meet on ladder; a range of decks, from Floowandereeze and Eldlich all the way to combo heavy adventure tenyi. The main difference in this deck to others is lightning storm, and it surprisingly put in a lot of work in meta match ups too. It's just annoying when tenki is your only face up card and you can't LS! Other than that however the deck is very customisable and allowing a variety of engines to be added in, such as Sky Striker, Eldlich and Brave-DPE.

For more info check out the #Zoodiac channel in the MDM discord.

For replays: player ID:900-152-148


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