Superheavy Samurai

Diamond I from on August 28th, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

MD ID: 091-690-479 add for spectate/friend duel :)

This deck is rather straight forward and quite an underdog in the Diamond I tier.

Ideally you’ll want to go first and set up a board full of bodies to ensure you won’t be getting OTKed, Superheavy is great at big defenders and lots of bodies. This deck doesn’t set up interruption in-archtype turn 1 so the primary goal is to deck thin as much as possible and prepare fur a sweep on turn 3. This should almost always be your goal as the grind game for this deck is very weak, but its ability to put out massive damage fast is honestly quite impressive.

When going first if your opponent uses no hand traps against you, you should suspect back row deck and search out the 1 of Theif. Currently the floodgate META is kind to this deck as Thief can out Skill Drain, and things like Gozen/Rivalry/IO don’t phase the deck. Admittedly back row is still one of this deck’s biggest weaknesses.

The hand trap line-up is specifically made for our current Adventure/Floow/Prank/VW meta. Every single ht needs to be game warping, this is why I chose Droll, Nib, Veiler, Maxx C.

** BEFORE USING THIS DECK ON RANKED ** Practice your plays. Although it sounds silly resolve Sekka’s Light AFTER you’ve already used key combo pieces like Soulpeacemaker. Treat it almost like Tripple Tac Talents. This not only baits Ash but also allows you to use your monster effs that activate as spell effs, which otherwise conflict w/ Sekka's.

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