
Diamond I from on August 8th, 2022
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Lava golem to make your opponent sad. 2 Eldlich over 3 to make room for more game-swinging traps; be cautious around Called by the Grave, try to avoid situations where your Eldlich can get banished unless you have an out (Imperial Order/counter trap to stop a called by, chaining Scarlet Sanguine to summon Eldlich from grave to dodge Called By, etc). Heavenly Prison is best boy; quintuple backrow set ain't afraid of no dusters and can summon a beefy boy afterwards while setting up whatever follow-up is needed. Gozen and Rivalry say no to your opponent. Imperial Order says no to your opponent. Skill Drain says no to your opponent. Btw Solemn Strike and Solemn Judgement say no to your opponent. Don't be afraid to leave Eldlich in hand after using its grave effect; sometimes keeping it in hand to activate the effect from hand and remove a card on field is better. Extra deck is mostly for Dogmatika Punishment (Elder Entity at 3 helps keep multiple Punishment's scary while maintaining the threat of at least one likely being in extra deck even through Pot of Extravagance banish. Extra deck is mostly situational or punishment fodder (e.g. can also send Omega to pop and then follow-up with a spin of an opponent's graveyard card). Rank 10s can come up with Eldlich and/or Heavenly and helps threaten lethal pushes. Spider and Imduk get Golden Land traps in grave. Lyna extends/helps in mirror while getting Eldlich in grave. Vampire Sucker helps get monsters in grave under Rivalry.

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