
Diamond I from on April 5th, 2023
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 1170
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Silver x Gold to Diamond 1. The deck offers a really good grind game with a lengthy stream of interaction to out-resource basically all of the other midrange and control decks that are relevant in the meta. Both engines complement each other pretty well with the Lab part contributing better active advantage and agility(which Eldlich alone lacks) and the Eldlich part contributing better passive advantage and higher resiliency (which Lab lacks).


  • Know your restrictions. Sequencing and timing your engine traps and spells is really important as you can easily lock yourself out of key cards for the turn if you don't know what you're doing. Get used to the basics like setting up Lightning to play around Weclome, graving lichs with Cursed to make Elixir live, etc.

  • Turn zeroing both Welcome and Elixir is recommended when your opponent's hand is average or you sense you can pressure them. There are a couple of nice lines you can do on the follow-up depending on your opener.

  • Always keep your omni-negate in rotation, same with your punishment targets.

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