
Diamond I from on April 24th, 2023
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 690
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Still a banger deck to play even in this tear 0 meta.

With Neptune/Earth, you can go into flare/parsath/ip/kristya/colossus/herald which is basically ftk against everything (except dark ruler no more). It can still easily kristya lock easily with 2 only fairies on field.

Abyss dweller can be replaced with any other xyz 4, or moon depending of your needs.

Red reboot because I hate those tears traps + counters imperm. It can be substitued by anything else.

Small world bridges :

any fairy/maxx c/snow -> ishizus -> any fairy. ishizus -> snow -> any light fairy.

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some spicy replays : 216-919-426