Tear Jun

from on June 7th, 2023
40 cards

Notes & Combos

generic tear deck. better against rogue compared to subterror. I honestly had fun with tear. The archetype has a very good and consistent answer to every situation. Destruction, removal, counter trap, flood shuffle, deck out, negates, underworld for unaffected removal, hand trap. It honestly is more interesting than spamming generic omni negates, hand loop, remove all cards etc. at least it has some kind of a mix. It is too consistent with the chain blocks and recursions compared to other archetype. I feel like if tear has some lock outs like floo has for special summon it could be more fair.

gameplay wise: in the mirror try to get grave keeper + exchange of spirit and abyss dweller. but mill if neccessary. its good to mill to see what your opponent is on. if it is non tear mill your opponent as much as you can. maxx c backfired my opponents quite a few time by cecking them out.

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