
Win Streaks from on September 17th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm back with a 5 win streak after hitting master. Most of the deck is the same but I ended up changing the extra deck and adding a dogmatika package.

Ecclesia and Fleurdelis allows you to get bodies on board for free if your opponent summons from extra deck (which most decks do) or even if you do which you can force with a link 2 or chaos angel. Nadir Servant allows you to search for Ecclesia from deck or GY and send something like Garura for a draw or N'tss for a pop.

With the addition of Ecclesia, you can play a zeus line now! Ecclesia + Candina makes Exciton Knight which can clear board letting you get a free hit in (doing no dmg ofc) and allowing you to overlay into zeus with 2 mats.

I also added some link climbing capability into the deck with Selene and Accesscode Talker. I:P Masquerena would go over a Chaos Angel but I'm trying to pull alt art and have been pretty unlucky so far so keep in mind ideally you'd also have I:P. Avramax can probably go over Bucephalus since you're usually just going to send Garura with Nadir Servant and you can make a tower with I:P and something like Lyna or Phoenix

So... What did the deck lose? I dropped Effect Veiler (rip), Nibiru and Extravagance. Since we're actually playing a real extra deck extrav becomes somewhat detrimental and we added a bit of consistency with Nadir Servant and Ecclesia being able to search. Nibiru although useful in some matchups has anti-synergy with stuff like Evenly and the current best deck being Purrely doesn't really carea bout Nibiru anyways. Veiler was the biggest hit to the list since it was extremely useful but I feel having access to extra deck plays probably outweighs 2 veilers.

Extra deck cuts: I cut Wind Pegasus, 1 copy of Chaos Angel (soon to be 2), Time Thief Redoer and Borrelsword Dragon. Wind Pegasus wasn't seeing enough use for me to justify keeping it in there when I could use other ED monsters. Cutting Chaos Angel to 1 hurts vs Kashtira Unicorn specifically but I feel the benefit of the ED upgrade outweighs that. And as I stated in the last list, Redoer and Borrelsword just was never played. Redoer can probably be played now with another Level 4 in the deck but I like Exciton more and I'm not sacking an N'tss for it.

Overall, this deck allows for more flexibility in what you can do and has Extra Deck playability at the cost of 2 Veilers and Pot of Extravagance. You still want to click go second as you have a ton of going second tools and Dogmatikas

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Just 1 replay this time since I have 9 from my Master push

ID: 710-326-098

Droll can be pretty insane into Purrely and this game is proof of that. I feel opponent misplayed by not going into Noir immediately.