Defense OTK

Win Streaks from on September 25th, 2022
cp-ur 390 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Welcome to the Madhouse! The only place on ladder where your opponent beats themselves for you!

So you've probably seen this deck before at point in time. Back in the day it made its very short rounds via a very infamous Table 500 episode (episode #104,, go watch it, it's hilarious), and now as of 2022, I saw no one had brought it to Master Duel.

So, in my quest to get the goofiest decks on ladder, I decided to rebuild that very infamous deck and try to see how it would fare in Diamond 1.

It was a mess.

Lots of Branded, lots of Adventurer, lots of Lyrilusc for some reason, but one night I had enough. I charged headfirst into Ranked and somehow came out kinda clean. Somehow getting 5 wins; not complaining.

Note to anyone who wants to try this:

  1. This is a really goofy silly deck but don't expect winstreaks against the same people. This is what you would call a "surprise deck". It only works if your opponent doesn't know what it is, because surely if they did they would play around it, right?

  2. THE EXTRA DECK IS FILLER. Put whatever you want into it, I just put Zoo's cuz hypothetically you can make Drident with this deck. Did you know Chakanine is a generic?

  3. Optimize! Fit whatever goofy cards in you want.

  4. Mahaama fixes a decent amount of problems with the deck. Please max out on her.

Did too many matches tonight to give replays; just watch the Youtube vid I linked above.

Adios, and have fun.

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