Cyber Dragon

Win Streaks from on September 26th, 2022
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 540
46 cards

Notes & Combos

7 Winstreak in Dia 4

Ended up replacing Shaddoll with 2 Super Polys. Dragostapelia vs. Despia is great and should you happen to draw into your second copy you can still usually make Masquerade with their monsters.

Also replaced 1 Lubellion with Chimeratech Overdragon for some time just because i really thought it might be a neat Super Poly target for any mirror/Numeron matchup. It's horrible though, you don't run into any CyDra in Dia and Numeron blows up your backrow then thanks you for the monster on board enabling their OTK. In the end if you are made to go first in Dia it's best to just gamble on the 90% chance that it's Numeron and pass without wasting resources.

After that little Overdragon episode i went back to running Twin for birds because i wasn't missing the 2nd Lubellion.

One more thing to mention is that Nachster starts to lose a lot of value the higher up the ladder you go because you usually can't outgrind the actual meta decks anyway so a 3rd copy of Lightning Storm, Harpie's or both become more appealing - especially with D2 being Eldlich central and both card's being able to force the activation of cards like Branded in Red or Tri-Brigade Revolt.

[83-49] from Plat 5 to Dia 2

[21-6] from Dia 5 to Dia 2

[101-72] - Dia 2

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