Vanquish Soul

Win Streaks from on November 30th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

A standard Vanquish Soul build, just to further prove how powerful and consistent this strategy is. Although the deck doesn't extend through handtraps much, simply passing on Rock + Fenrir + Dust Devil has won me a lot of games, due to the huge number of handtraps we run.

The extra deck is quite unnecessary. Haven't summoned Ariseheart or Baronne once, summoned Big Eye, Zeus, Zoos, Bagooska and the Knightmares perhaps only once each through Plat V -> Master III

TCBOO or a Dimension Shifter is an autowin against Dragonlink, Mathmech and Lab. This deck can outgrind Kashtira, given a good hand (or a bricky theirs, which happens often). Purrely is fine going first, more difficult going second. Overall I feel this deck is definitely the strongest one in this meta.

It is significantly harder than Kash, Mathmech or Lab, so if you lose your first games - don't get discouraged and keep practicing. Just like in fighting games, VS needs you to put in some work to become good. You might need time to figure out when to hold onto handtraps to reveal their attributes, as well as more optimal plays with tagging in/out VS guys. If you're not afraid of a bit of a challenge, I'd argue this deck is by far the most fun since Tearlaments.

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