Vanquish Soul

Win Streaks from on November 11th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Extremely fun deck been having a blast in Masters even with all the stun, lab, and mathmech going around. I didnt play VS continue as I searched dust devil 80% of time- in archetype book of moon felt very good and won a ton of games on its own.

The deck is very capable of carrying itself and generating advantage on its own, it doesnt rely on TCBOO, which I actually would have cut for druiswarm and 3rd Jiaolong if not for mathmech. Called by was another option to cut.

All in all would recommend 10/10 and look forward to finishing the climb to M1

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Top replay is from my rank up game to M5 using the exact same deck profile. Its going second vs stun and the opponent opened a great hand. The duel showcases VS's great versatility and recovery under rough circumstances:

Master Duel ID: 317-625-943 Should be the most recent replay