
Win Streaks from on November 27th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

661-137-080 for replays.

Nothing too new, but I really enjoyed playing with a Minimum Kash line. Since we don't play the optional Kash bricks/extenders (trap, scareclaw, ogre, 2nd rise, tryx) most of the time we don't do anything too crazy w kash, and at the end of the day, we don't really need it.

Shagri-ira + Guru + 2/3/4 Interactions is the standard board. Shagri-ira + Guru + Arise + 3/4 Interactions is the ceiling.

The deck is very consistent.

Droll was good.

Book was good.

Daruma gets a little worse rn but still worth playing.

Infinitracker is an MVP in this version. 3100 ATK > Clear the field > M2 > City > Birth> GG.

Donner is bonkers. Synergizes a lot.

I hope you guys enjoy it :)

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661-137-080 for replays.