Swordsoul Tenyi

Win Streaks from on May 31st, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 540
45 cards

Notes & Combos

I would recommend anyone playing swordsoul to watch some Pak tcg vids to learn some of the lines The Masterduelmeta discord has some good combos in the swordsoul section

Deckbuilding notes:

You could run 3 protos if u have them or want to spend the UR dust but 2 has been enough for me.

Ive decided i much prefer 2 taia as i use her a lot for turn 1 plays and it helps to have another in deck

Vessal is a personal choice as it gives sooo much gas in an opening hand and can fix some deader hands

trying out virus swordsman as a bagooska out

No Fissure or shifter as it gimps our deck too much and you can play through most tear boards without it, but going first fissure is really nice to slap down at the end of your plays if they havent already started playing on your turn

rivalry is just a better protos into tear

thanks for coming to my ted talk

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my youtube has a few replays with swordsoul and i will be uploading more in the next season