
Win Streaks from on March 13th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos


What a crazy crazy climb. This climb had three distinct phases with three different builds.

Phase one: Master 5 and 4. That was the rev synchron build. It was fun. Kash was strong. Snake eyes was just released.

Phase two: Master 3 and 2. Branded was everywhere and snake eyes got stronger. I had to drop rev synchron. Kashtira Unicorn put in a ton of work here.

Phase three: Master 2-1. Snake eyes and Kash was everywhere. And the deck is ridiculous. Fenrir and unicorn were just bricking me. This is where I put in compulse and overroot to deal with cards that I don't want to destroy and all the crazy backrow in the game right now. Overoot, in particular, is an answer to the Snake Eyes field spell.

So, what's the verdict? Traptrix is in a rough spot, but I still think we're a strong rogue. (And shifter is still the best card in the deck)

Thank you to everyone in the Traptrix channel for your advice and emotional support. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or drop a message on the discord.

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977-255-375 I got a bunch!

  1. Rank up going second vs Kash
  2. Going second against Tear branded.
  3. Going second vs mannedium
  4. Going first against ninja
  5. Going first against SHS
  6. Going first against snake eyes
  7. Going first against snake eyes
  8. Going second against lab (You get to see the fabled Allo's second effect)