Bystial Runick

Win Streaks from on March 29th, 2024
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Okay this deck is extremely cool. Imo, did get to M1 with it, however that was only starting from 0 wins in M2 to a 'clean' 5 games win to M1. There is a deck profile on this deck in the TCG, honeslty not much has changed from there to here aside for none engine and runick cards played (likely).

Why only 3 Nib as non-engine?

  • Simple. From my experiance from current M2 decks has been mostly either; Tears, Lab, SnEyes, Kash and maybe Branded. From those options Kasha and SnEyes are really the only decks I'm really conserced about dealing with which Nib does do amazing against. Branded also Ig an issue but it always has been a issue for me (please stop opening super poly).

Why no Maxx C?

  • While Maxx C can provide gamestates where the oppentent can end on a simplfied boardstate or just, the end of a turn. I think the board clearing potentenial of Nib, causing your oppenetent to waste resources only to end on the best sala end board of all time can in itself be game winning. I've had a few games where my oppenetent just scoops to Nib activing by itself. Also, you have people like me who at times, doesn't care about a Maxx C and just wants to end the game right then and there.

Why am I playing this over Branded Engine.

  • Althought I do have the whole Queem & Orcust engines, both cost why more UR material to craft compared to the current engine. Granted you already have Bystials and Runicks already. Also, I think the passtive draw power you get from your continuous spells, feels extermally nice. The fact that Arrive In Light triggers on either player special summon a synchro summon a monster is also extermally funny.
  • Not to mention, the fact that Stardust + a Bystial is basically has the same power as a Runick + Stardust endboard is let alone nice. Not to mention a (poteninal) double non-target (on-board) banish negate omni is super good.

Otherwise, if you want like, a combo guide, there is a decklist video about this deck top cutting a regional in the TCG where there is a combo guide at the end.

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There were only 2 repalys which were actually interesting to showcase.

ID: 297-153-267

VS Benause, who is based AF for playing Shiranui

VS Weather Painter Profile on Mikanko

fun fact; Majestic has non-targeting perma negation.

VS Starfrost Only M1 Game. Although not in the winstreak, it is an actual game against SnEyes where they don't scoop to Nib automatically and turn 1 for us sucks.