Cyber Dragon

Win Streaks from on January 11th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Revisited the classic Machine Dupe build with Cyber Dragons but included Therions since Regulus adds an extra omni negate, can attach a level 5 Cyber Dragon for contact fusion plays into Fortress to enable Dingirsu plays, and general recovery/protection if it fails to otk. The deck still has it. Machine Dupe builds continue to be explosive as well as offers a Regulus search with River Stormer as well as keeping the Infinity + Verte lines if you can grab Repair Plant off Core safely. Very fun/solid build and great for "pure" Cyber Dragon enthusiasts. Alternatively in this build, you can drop Twin + Cyberload, Overflow, and 1 Nachster adding 3x more hand traps/board breakers. Doesnt change consistency at all and just helps going 2nd anyway.

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