Ancient Warriors Eldlich

Win Streaks from on February 11th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

OCG inspired based deck.

Going blind second is trash, so needed a way to let AW go first. Found this concept on road of the king.

Basically AW usually leaves you with no cards for follow up because of discarding etc. This fixes that issue and gives you the power of Golden papi jump scare.

Sun Mou/tenki and cursed eldland is one of the best openers, and is otk damage turn 2.

Turn 1: eldland search conq, summon sun mou, ditch eldland for cost, eldland effect send trap to grave, sunmou eff search zhuge, zhuge eff ss itself, link into DDL and search Lu Bu, ss with own eff, end phase set eldlixer with trap eff. Thats ddl bounce, lu bu non target pop, and conq pop when you ss Golden Papi. for ddl cost you can even send the conq after using it and recycle for another trap next turn.

Turn 2: for otk, instead of sending a trap with eldland you can send golden papi himself then ss with his eff sending the trap you just searched as cost. DDL/sun mou+Lu+Enraged Papi>8k.

Sometimes you are just playing eldlich though if you dont draw sunmou or tenki. other times youre playing AW control if you have sun mou and no lich engine. But sunmou, lu bu and summon limit is actually hilariously OP.

all the floodgates can be turned off whenever you want with DDL/sun mou/GY eldlich.

conflicts: no none AW monster eff if you use/want to use lubu that turn.

eldlixer locks you into zombies when you ss golden papi with it but youll be doing this during opp turn usually.

dogmatika locks you out of ED until end of next turn but DDL isnt a win con so thats ok usually.

apologies for the wall of text and any typos.

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