Swordsoul Despia

Win Streaks from on December 31st, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 720
55 cards

Notes & Combos

Bait and Switch, make them think you play a certain meta deck then switch to another and burn them for game...I am so not sure how this worked as well as it did. I am bored of playing Ranked so i experimented.

Be sure to punish their plays with trap trick into virus traps once you know what they play. I play the weirdest deck pile sometimes, its an addiction at this point. I love punishing Runick. Also, colossus stops Runicks from some of their pot cards. Note to understand difference between draws and excavations.

Swordsouls MVP, I don't know where to categorize this but swordsouls makes it easy to access the extra deck and when i need to access dark monsters, Tenyis and Prison, or any Dark Synchros works too for virus tribute, i like Mefist for extra burn support and Sinister. Eldlich for gas and yeeting runick field spell and floodgates, monk is good to summon level 4 into Synchros. Fusions for extra burn and extra virus target. This is indeed a deck . Remember, Yugioh is a psychological game.

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