
Win Streaks from on August 12th, 2023
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm usually not big on posting lists unless they've hit max rank on ladder or events, but made an exception for this contradiction of a has-been meta-contender.

The exact streak of this list was 11 consecutive wins (7 in Master Rank, 4 in Diamond) and has seen minor tweaks inbetween.

Kashtira stuff:

  • Ideally I'd run 3 Kashtira Fenrir and only 1 Kashtira Ogre as the former is clearly the better card, but with it being semi-limited as of writing, things needed a small shift.
  • Ogre is for role compression: at the essence it's just a free body to tribute over coincidentally sharing the coveted "Monarch Stats". Looking a bit further into this, you'll find it to be a convenient declutterer; letting you search a Monarch Spell/Trap with Tenacity OR establashing a 2-Card Domain Lock (this usually takes up 3+ cards). Fenrir Searches Ogre, then you can use one of your bazilion ways to 1-card turbo into Domain, which let's you summon Ogre for 1 tribute, thus getting the floodgate live.
  • Kashtira Preparations is a card I really didn't want to include, but it is a free +1 for Kuraz plays and has excellent synergy with Ehther.

Monarch stuff:

  • Bricks

Flex techs:

  • Mithra let's you double tribute summon, chain blocks AND protects you from opposing Kashtira plays, Evenly Matched and the rare Lightning Storm. Though Bystials can simply tribute over it and nullify Domain, secondary floodgates are imperative because of this.
  • Small World was ran at 2 and briefly saw Gamma as bridge and prefered Hand-Trap, but Maxx C has a similar set of aimed targets and is arguably more impactful on average. Ghost Ogre as another optional Hand-Trap/SW bridge and can be pulled out of the deck with Emergency Teleport.

Make no mistake, Monarchs are the suck

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