
Win Streaks from on April 6th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Hey there, i had some great winstreaks with Z-Arc morbs, this version is clearly very aggressive going first but can go second too with strike, intact and our new support Arias. I did a few time Rex T1 (not my turn) :)

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Replays are in the dinomorphia replays channel:

discord.com/channels/867220466875891774/1108252742595653684/1225512140698288158(going second into mannadium)

discord.com/channels/867220466875891774/1108252742595653684/1225749145961369620going (going second into branded)

discord.com/channels/867220466875891774/1108252742595653684/1226280192016781389 (second into se)