
Win Streaks from on April 17th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Going first, if I draw Prospi I will usually banish both Zoodiac monsters, Zeus, 1 Sera, Link Spider and Unicorn. Can change if the opponent uses a hand trap that gives their deck away or depending on my hand. When going second, be sure to keep Zeus & the Zoo as they are a great comeback tool. When using Prospi, you should always banish 6.

If I brick on Shade + Exceed, I will usually opt for Bagooska or Dweller. Rafflesia is a possibilty if you opened torrential as well.

Vs Tear if you did not shut them down completly or the game drags on, the main win condition is Gravedigger Trap Hole Burn Dmg.

For the Hole Traps, outside of Gravedigger, Floodgate Trap Hole is a jack of all trade, its very effective vs lots of decks, kinda relevant vs tear as long as used properly. Bottomless is just decently good removal and it banishes, it relevant vs lots of decks and decent vs tear.

Solemn Strike can negate special summons, it deals with bagooska, summoned in ATK or DEF. Also helps breaking board combined with torrential if the opponent is greedy.

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