Gunkan Suship

Win Streaks from on April 14th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Is this possibly the absolute stupidest tear deck on the list? Yes. Am I confused as to how I got a 5 winstreak? Yes. Is it funny? Yes.

I guess the deck does have its benefits. The tear engine allows for the sushi to be recycled from the grave, which helps the problem I sometimes ran into of running out of resources. The suships are aqua, so that gives extra materials for tear fusions. More level four bodies means abyss dweller more often so that's pretty cool.

Both engines are pretty good at not using their normal summons so endboards have quite a bit of versatility. Don't be afraid to put an xyz in the extra monster zone because sometimes that 5th monster zone is just what you need to finish up an insane board.

I think that's all, have fun mates!

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