
Win Streaks from on April 13th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck has the ability to set up strong end boards with arc light and can otk out of nowhere with the help of PEP and Chengying. My climb to D1 went suprisingly well considering we are in a tier 0 format with tearlaments. I got to D5 before the tear update and after the tear update I was able to get to D1 with a 10 win streak starting from D3. This decks matchup against tear is pretty good as it could play the graveyard minigame really well, arc light is a nasty floodgate against them and it doesn't heavily rely on milling. The downside is that it has the same weakness as tears, so it is an uphill battle against Flo and banish floodgates. Also, the limiting of herald of orange light did hurt this decks going second potential and limited our lvl 2 tuners that helps us go into our rank 10s, but other than that it is still a strong deck. This deck is very flexible and doesn't have a rigid line that you have to go through, so I would suggest having a good understanding of what each card does, but here are some starters for some of the lines you can do.


  • Earth+Neptune/Earth+Venus/Venus+Neptune(this one is a bit complicated, but it gets there)/ The Sacred Waters can be used to replace Earth or Neptune (not Venus) for any of these plays and you can also use small world to search for any missing piece or herald of orange light for protection: Replay 5 and 6 has some examples of this
  • Diviner/ Diviner+Trias: Diviner can be a one card combo but it does require banishing it from the graveyard meaning you can't bring it back with elf on your opponents turn, however if Trias is already in the grave or hand when Diviner is summoned you can instead send a miller and get more materials to banish for eva but if against tearlaments you should mill either earth or venus depending on the situation and search for neptune and orange light(if another fairy is in hand): Replay 1 and 9 **

End Boards

BestBoard:Sprightelf/Masterflare Hyperion/Arclight/Kristya snow and shuffelers in GY and orange light with another fairy in hand

Typical Board: Spright elf/Masterflare Hyperion/Arc light hand and GY varies **

Things to Note

-Majesty Hyperion is an inherit summon so it can't be reacted to, this catches a lot of people off guard and lets you go into your rank 10s or rank 11 easily.

-Trias effects occur within the chain it was special summoned, giving you a quick pop and/or draw

-Parshath, Baronne, and Masterflare w/ Parshath effect can cheat out Kristya

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Duelist ID: 990-535-974

All of my replays are from this season's climb with this deck.

There's not much good replays of me going second because I didn't go second much on the later part of my climb but I'll update it when I have some