
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 19th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tear matchup is rough but it's strong into anything else.

The goal is to outadvantage opponent by milling and drawing many cards. If you can summon Chaos Ruler you can avoid milling blind but sometimes you can see what opponent is playing by banishing cards with Tip or Slumber. Gigantic is great for clearing the EMZ, so you can use another runick spell and draw cards, and can summon any lvl2. Usually Ipiria is the target which in cases you open only 1 runick spell it can draw one during your turn and another one in opponent's turn by reviving with Elf.

Assault synchron is a lvl 2 that can be used as a normal summon to make Gigantic if you don't open a normal summon, can be special summoned for a synchro play and it's a dark for Chaos ruler to banish or add to hand.

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In game ID 494-945-790