
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 330 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Yes, no Evenly, no Fissure

I don't use Evenly as it's a brick going 1st and Floo in most cases have the tools to play around boards without Evenly. So I replaced them with x3 Maxx C which we all know how it wraps games.

I took out Fissure for 2 more Crows and x1 Jack. In a lot of games Tears had an out for Fissure and for this reason I thought is better to stop their plays with Crow, as CBTG is not really a thing in this meta and it's easily searchable, and improve slightly the consistency with Jack.

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My ID: 247-750-824

Note: I don't have any replays from WCSQ, I may add some time in future.