
Synchro x Link Festival from on February 19th, 2024
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Another event, another S-Force list. The gameplan is as always, swarm the field with as much names as possible for chase. Extra deck isn't mandatory, though it helped to go into avramax here and there. Always remember to recycle retroactive with nightchaser to use him as material for the effects of chiyo or lapcewell. Don't forget the columns. Summon your S-Force monsters under the extra monster zone. After that you should prioritize the center zone for people that have auto placement turned on.

It's always fun to play with this deck, even though a lot of match ups feel like massive uphill battles. But it makes a lot of fun.

S-Force best deck, chiyo is cute, S-Force strongest

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