
Ritual Festival from on November 13th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

To be clear right up front, I'm a complete novice with this deck. But for an archetype with so few cards that trigger upon being tributed, Nouvelles really generates a ton of card advantage super easily. It's surprising just how much interaction some hands can play through.

With the prevalence of Mikanko and Blue-Eyes in the festival, Nouvelles' greatest advantage is Baelgrill's two non-targeting removal effects. You just need to use Poissonniere's pendulum effect to trigger your other Nouvelles' effects.

Finally, Dyna Mondo puts in so much work with outing pesky Spells/Traps while also triggering Poissonniere's effect to place herself in the Pendulum Zone. At first I didn't think multiple copies would be worth the CP (yes I'm that stingy), but they do come up.

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