Megalith Drytron

Ritual Festival from on November 14th, 2023
cp-ur 210 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck performed very well for me. Mikanko was in theory the worst matchup, since if I didn't set up Shinobaron with Megalith Och and they drew enough gas I was kind of ******. However, I was able to set up Shinobaron summon on opponents turn almost every time, and since herald of perfection is such a tasty kaiju target I was able to resolve it in nearly every game I set it up in.

One neat interaction you can do to play around lava golem is summoning Megalith Hagith to add Unformed, and setting Unformed (after adding Shinobaron through whatever means). After they lava golem, you can tribute it in either the main phase (if you want to summon Shinobaron) or battle phase (if you don't have any other bodies on board that would let them otk) to summon Och.

I play both Diviner and Choju because sometimes when going 2nd you don't have a body to tribute summon Choju with (such as against Hungry Burger, if they use the counter trap on your only drytron name) and having a monster you can normal summon in scenarios like that has saved me a couple of times.

Only important cards in the ED are Arc-Light, Fafnir and Dyna Mondo. I only ran one Fafnir because I was on a budget, run more if you can but one copy is good enough. Using Natasha to summon Mondo is insane when going 2nd, and stealing multiple bodies with Natasha in the same turn made OTKing very easy (This is why I played Linkmail Archfiend, which I got from a legacy pack. If you don't have it then just making multiple generic link-2s is also fine)

If you like spamming negates with Herald of Perfection, a funny tech is to cut Choju for 1x Cyber Petit Angel. You add Diviner with Benten, but keep it on field so that you can tribute it on your opponents turn with a Megalith (either Och or Aratron). Then Diviner can summon it from the deck, and trigger it to add one Cyber Angel as fodder for your Herald of Perfection.

I ran this variant because I really like both the Megaliths and Cyber Angels, and Drytron is the best theme to tie them together. If you play it right then you can set up a Bethor/Shinobaron field wipe backed up by 1-2 Perfection negates going 1st, and steal your opponents entire board going 2nd (unless you are playing against a Mikanko player that failed to OTK or something, in which case you just set up a Shinobaron summon alongside Phul to dodge anything they might try to negate Shinobaron with).

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