
Monster Type Festival: King of the Island from on September 15th, 2023
cp-ur 390 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Blind second Lyrilusc OTK. Never played the deck before, but I saw it was pretty cheap and got fast games, so I went for it. Some thoughts about the deck:

  • If I have to go 1st (lots of people are playing Ancient Warriors and Lyrilusc this event), I just full open and pray they can't OTK.
  • Maxx C unironically wins games. Without Ash, it resolves a lot and will end your opponent's turn.
  • Lack of handtraps means that backrow removal is extra important as everyone will be on Imperm. This also meant that I prioritized Sparrow as material for Nightingale to give her the protection.
  • Imperm is the wincon in the mirror match. This deck otherwise can't deal with Nightingale otherwise because I'm too cheap to craft Shuraig.
  • Jack-in-the-Hand is probably better than Where Arf Thou, but since it's my first time playing the deck, it made my brain hurt too much figuring out the optimal three every time.
  • Only monsters I summoned from the Extra Deck were Recital, Nightingale, and Donner. I summoned Fucho once before realizing an empty board is better than leaving something to be Kaijued and enable Ancient Warriors. Rest of ED can be empty, but I had those cards lying around.
  • A few games, a second copy of Recital would have won me the game, but I was too cheap to craft the second.
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