
Monster Type Festival: King of the Island from on September 14th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 510
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Scary Moth turbo. Occasionally makes Nat Beast.

With less ways to contest Maxx "C", a way to get more interuption in less summons is good. The Traptrix package not only an easy way to get 2 bodies, but also provides the trap holes (which are really great in this format) and backrow removal (Seraphim revive Myermeleo). Picofalena recycles your extra deck monsters for infinite grind game. Neurogos discourages Raigeki and Dark Hole.

Remember that Absolute Hercules can tribute the card you put face down with Soma, and that Dream Cicada can flip the aforementioned card.

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