
Master V from on September 5th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First turn hand-rip version of the deck. I've had 12 winstreaks with it going from Diamond 3 to Master 5. Decently consistent as I haven't briked in my winstreak climb.


  • Final Sigma is very powerful, but not worth adding Nabla, Multiplication proved to be enough for now. Many of my opponents thinks I'm going for the accesscode line when building up field going second. When they have a monster in attack position, I can just crash it with Final Sigma and end the game.

  • I've had a decent number of games with Labyrinth so Linguriboh proved to be very useful in negating and banishing their trap cards.

  • If I had to change something, maybe remove one Laplacian and add Unicorn or Apolousa. The Disciple/Devotee package is good in my opinion so I'd rather not remove it as it can bait the opponent into handtraping the wrong card.

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