
Master V from on November 19th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Wind-up 3 axis, rat + any level 3 = apollousa 3mat,beast, regulus + sargas OR f0(you can make all 3 depending on your hand).

If you draw more than a single free level 3 or a shark in your hand ontop of a windup to normal or just a lot of level 3s, you can do more or less depending on interuptions. if not either RAT SHARK OR RABBIT + a free level 3

  1. normal summon your windup + special summon your free level 3
  2. make carrier
  3. detatch the windup to summon atk pos rat from deck
  4. rat eff to summon the windup you started with
  5. make carrier again summoning magician
  6. both carriers into zenmaintenance adding shark
  7. magician effect summon magician
  8. shark effect summon shark
  9. magician effect summon magician
  10. shark decrease magician effect summon rat
  11. 2 magician into emeral
  12. emeral effect shuffle back 2rat carrier, if shark starter instead shuffle 1 rat 2carrier
  13. rat + shark = carrier, carrier summon atk pos rat
  14. rat summon back magician
  15. zenmaintenance replace rat
  16. zenmaintenance carrier and emeral into appo
  17. rat summon back shark, magician summon shark,
  18. make merrymaker with both sharks
  19. make gallant with 2 magicians
  20. gallant search researcher
  21. special researcher
  22. make beast with rat + researcher
  24. IF SARGAS + REG, rankup merrymaker, sargas add reg
  25. reg effect summoning equipping carrier
  26. IF F0, rankup into utopic future
  27. rankup into utopic draco future

about a million decklists in the discord channel come say hi

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